Dear Mark
You he sent me
1. I had already lose about 10000 usd
2. Every time I he to wait due to delay in your production.
3. We come nearly 4 times to reconfirm material ( cost nearly 5000 usd)
4. Still you make mistake in production and you repair the products and want to supply.
5. You make mistake even in 300 and 600 ohms
6. You price was higher than others, still we agree.
You can see , we were the people adjusting with you every time , even after so long delay.
We liked your boss and their assurance to support us, but you see , we he nearly lost 15 to 20 k ( above 100000 rmb )
And we he lost 12 month of business and even difficult is , our customer loose faith in us now.
In spite of all this, you decide to close the order.
I still don't understand this decision.
Now, anyway it is upto you.
May be , we can be always friends and in case there is chance for further business , we need to do it more better next time.
Thank you
之前业务员走了,现在换我跟 。
之前错了,检查的时候出现大量问题 。老板催我问他到底还要不要,不要转给别人,给客户发邮件了也不回,电话不接。今天终于来邮件了。
1. 与该供应商进行进一步沟通,了解他们的产品和生产情况。
2. 如果供应商不能满足您的要求,您可以考虑寻找其他可靠的供应商。
3. 在接下来与供应商的合作中,建议您制定详细的合同,明确发货时间、质量标准、价格等方面的条款,以避免类似的问题再次出现。
4. 如果您不得不与该供应商解除合作关系,您可以考虑维护良好的合作关系,以便将来有机会再次合作。